Program of Lecture Courses
The Quantum Universe Research School offers a first-rate lecture course program on the topics of the Cluster of Excellence.
Field Theory | Quantum Field Theory I & II Quantum Mechanics II General Theory of Relativity |
Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory Supersymmetry and Supergravity Group Theory for Physicists Conformal Field Theory Amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory Renormalization of Gauge Theories |
Mathematical Physics and String Theory |
Introduction to String Theory String Steilkurs I Advanced Differential Geometry Algebraic Topology |
Advanced Topics in String Theory String Steilkurs II Representation Theory Homological Algebra |
Particle Physics Theory + Experiment |
Physics of the Standard Model (SM) Phenomenology of Physics beyond the SM Advanced Particle Physics Experiments on Physics beyond the SM Particle Physics and the LHC Detectors for Photon and Particle Physics |
Higgs Physics |
Astroparticle Physics | Theoretical Astroparticle Physics Experimental Astroparticle Physics |
Physics of the Dark Sector |
Cosmology | Theoretical Cosmology Galaxy Evolution Extragalactic Astrophysics |
Gravitational Wave Physics |
Winter Term 2024/25
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics I (Geventis, Poster) | W. Hillert, M. Wenskat |
Thu, 13:45–15:15, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9 Problem classes: |
Advanced Particle Physics (Geventis, Poster) | R. Kogler, M. Schröder |
Tue, 9:15–10:45, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9 Problem classes: |
Riemann surfaces (Geventis, Poster) | J. Teschner |
Mon, 16:15–17:45, H3, Geomatikum Problem classes: |
Ricci Flow - an introduction (Geventis, Poster) | S. Dwivedi |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, H5, Geomatikum Problem classes: |
Heegaard Floer homology and applications (Geventis, Poster) | J. Cohen |
Mon, 10:15–11:45, H6, Geomatikum Problem classes: |
Elliptic differential operators on compact manifolds (Geventis, Poster) | M. Röser |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, 208, Sedanstraße 19 Problem classes: |
Experimental Astroparticle Physics (Geventis, Poster) | C. Hagner, D. Horns |
Thu, 9:00–10:30, SR 3114, Notkestraße 9 Problem classes: |
Symplectic geometry (Geventis, Poster) | J. Latschev |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, H6, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Instrumentation and Analysis Methods (Geventis, Poster) | E. Garutti, A. Lobanov, H. Stadie |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9 Problem Classes: |
Advanced Algebra (Geventis, Poster) | I. Runkel |
Tue, 12:15–13:45, H3, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Theory of Distributions (Geventis, Poster) | M. Graf |
Mon, 16:15–17:45, H5, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Selected topics in Lorentzian Geometry (Geventis, Poster) | M. Graf |
Fri, 14:15–15:45, H4, Geomatikum |
Selected topics in topology (Geventis, Poster) | B. Richter |
Mon, 12:15–13:45, H5, Geomatikum |
Stellar and planetary atmospheres (Geventis, Poster) | P. Hauschildt |
Tue, 14:00–15:30, digital / StwB Problem classes: |
Stellar structure and evolution (Geventis, Poster) | T. Kupfer |
Wed, 10:00–11:30, 1076, Notkestraße 9 Problem classes: |
Introduction to high-energy astrophysics (Geventis, Poster) | S. Rosswog |
Tue, 10:00–13:00, 052, Building 69 Bahrendfeld Problem classes: |
Introduction to supersymmetry and supergravity (Geventis, Poster) | E. Pomoni |
Mon, 16:30–18:00, 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Phenomenology of physics beyond the standard model (Geventis, Poster) | G. Weiglein |
Tue, 9:15–10:45, 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum mechanics II (Geventis, Poster) | J. Louis |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Advanced string theory (Geventis, Poster) | V. Schomerus |
Wed, 16:15–17:45, 1076, Notkestraße 9 |
General theory of relativity (Geventis, Poster) | G. Moortgat-Pick |
Wed, 09:15–10:45, 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum field theory I (Geventis, Poster) |
T. Weigand |
Wed, 11:15–12:45, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
J. Reuter, M. Diehl |
Fri, 11:15–12:45, 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Computer algebra and particle physics (Geventis, Poster) | S. Moch |
Topics in low frequency radio astronomy (Geventis, Poster) |
M. Brüggen |
Theory and application of PHOENIX (Geventis, Poster) | P. Hauschildt | TBA |
Magneto hydrodynamic simulations using the FLASH AMR code (Geventis, Poster) | R. Banerjee | TBA |
Summer Term 2024
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics II (Poster, Geventis) | W. Hillert |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Computer Exercises: |
Advanced Algebra (Poster, Geventis) | T. Dyckerhoff |
Mon, 16:15–17:45, Hörsaal H5, Geomatikum Exercises: |
Algebraic Topology (Poster, Geventis) | B. Richter |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, Hörsaal H4, Geomatikum Exercises: |
Chemical evolution of the universe (Poster, Geventis) | J. Liske |
Thu, 14:15–15:45, SR 3114, Notkestr. 9 Exercises: |
Cosmology (Poster, Geventis) | M. Brüggen |
Mon, 10:00–11:30, Sternwarte Bergedorf Exercises: |
Examples of Braided Tensor Categories (Poster, Geventis) | S. Lentner |
Fri, 12:15–13:45, Hörsaal H3, Geomatikum Exercises: |
Experiments on Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Poster, Geventis) | G. Kasieczka, P. Schleper |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 3114, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Exercises: |
Galactic astrophysics (Poster, Geventis) | T. Kupfer |
Wed, 10:00–11:30, SR 4064, Notkestr. 9 Exercises: |
Gravitational-Wave Detection (Poster, Geventis) | O. Gerberding R. Schnabel |
Tue, 13:00–14:30, SR 052, Building 69, Bahrenfeld Exercises: |
Introduction to General Relativity and Astropyhsical Applications (Poster, Geventis) | R. Banerjee |
Tue, 10:00–11:30, Blauer Salon, Jungiusstraße 11 Tutorials: |
Introduction to String Theory (Poster, Geventis) | V. Schomerus |
Mon, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld (sometimes in Geb. 61 Hörsaal, Bahrenfeld) |
Knot Homology and Categorification (Poster, Geventis) | P. Wedrich |
Wed, 16:15–17:45, Hörsaal H1, Geomatikum Exercises: |
Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC): Accelerator, Detectors and Physics (Poster, Geventis) | J. Haller |
Tue, 14:00–15:30, SR 4064, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Exercises: |
Physics and Applications of Laser-Plasma-Accelerators (Poster, Geventis) | F. Grüner |
Mon, 09:00–10:30, SR 3114, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Exercises: |
Physics of the Standard Model (Poster, Geventis) | K. Tackmann |
Wed, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Exercises: |
Presentation of Scientific Results (Poster, Geventis) | J. Louis | Fri, 14:30–16:00, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Quantum Field Theory II (Poster, Geventis) | T. Weigand | Thu, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Wed, 13:00–14:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Exercises: |
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology (Poster, Geventis) | H. Kim, T. Konstandin, A. Westphal |
Wed, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Fri, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Winter Term 2023/24
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics I (Poster, Geventis) | W. Hillert, M. Wenskat |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
Advanced Particle Physics (Poster, Geventis) | P. Schleper, M. Schröder |
Tue, 9:00–10:30, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
Advanced String Theory (Poster, Geventis) | T. Weigand | Wed, 8:30–10:00 and 10:15–11:00, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Astrophysical Gasdynamics (Poster, Geventis) | S. Rosswog |
Tue, 10:00–12:15, Sonnenbau, Sternwarte Bergedorf Problem classes: |
Experimental Astroparticle Physics (Poster, Geventis) | C. Hagner, D. Horns |
Thu, 9:00–10:30, SR 3114, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
Galaxy Evolution (Poster, Geventis) | J. Liske |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, SR 4064, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
General Theory of Relativity (Poster, Geventis) | G. Moortgat-Pick, F. Baume, A. Mininno |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Geometric Topology (Poster, Geventis) | J. Latschev |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, SR 205, Sedanstraße 19 Problem Classes: |
Higher Category Theory (Poster, Geventis) | T. Dyckerhoff |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal H3, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Instrumentation and Analysis Methods (Poster, Geventis) | E. Garutti, A. Lobanov, H. Stadie |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity (Poster, Geventis) | C. Lawrie, E. Pomoni |
Mon, 16:30–18:00, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Lie Algebras (Poster, Geventis) | I. Runkel |
Tue, 12:15–13:45, Hörsaal H3, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Light Fields and Quantum Correlations (Poster, Geventis) (taught in German) |
R. Schnabel |
Tue, 13:00–14:30, SR 052, Building 69, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Magneto hydrodynamic simulations using the FLASH AMR code (Poster, Geventis) | R. Banerjee | Mon, 16:00–17:30, Sternwarte Bergedorf |
Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Poster, Geventis) | G. Weiglein |
Tue, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Field Theory I (Poster, Geventis) | S. Moch |
Mon, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Mechanics II (Poster, Geventis) | M. Potthoff |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometry (Poster, Geventis) | M. Graf |
Mon, 16:15–17:45, Hörsaal H3, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Theory and application of PHOENIX (Poster, Geventis) | P. Hauschildt | TBA |
Workshop Seminar (Poster, Geventis) |
F. Bishara, C. Grojean, T. Konstandin, G. Servant, A. Westphal, M. Graf, J. Louis, V. Schomerus, T. Weigand |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Summer Term 2023
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics II (Poster, Geventis) | W. Hillert |
Thu, 13:45–15:15, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Computer Exercises: |
Advanced Algebra (Poster, Geventis) | C. Schweigert |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal H3, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Algebraic Topology (Poster, Geventis) | J. Holstein |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, Hörsaal H4, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Complex Geometry (Poster, Geventis) | M. Alim |
Wed, 8:15–9:45, Hörsaal H3, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Computer Algebra and Particle Physics (Poster, Geventis) | S. Moch | TBA |
Cosmology (Poster, Geventis) | M. Brüggen |
Mon, 10:00–11:30, Sternwarte Bergedorf Problem classes: |
Experiments on Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Poster, Geventis) | E. Gallo, P. Schleper |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 4064, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Generalized Geometry (Poster, Geventis) | V. Cortés | Mon, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal H6, Geomatikum Fri, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal H2, Geomatikum |
Gravitational-Wave Detection (Poster, Geventis) | O. Gerberding R. Schnabel |
Tue, 13:00–14:30, SR 052, Building 69, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Introduction to General Relativity and Astropyhsical Applications (Poster, Geventis) | R. Banerjee |
Mon, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal I, Jungiusstraße 9 Problem Classes: |
Introduction to String Theory (Poster, Geventis) | V. Schomerus | Wed, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Thu, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
MHD Simulations Using the FLASH AMR Code (Poster, Geventis) | R. Banerjee | Wed, 11:00–12:30, Sternwarte Bergedorf |
Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC): Accelerator, Detectors and Physics (Poster, Geventis) |
J. Haller |
Tue, 14:00–15:30, SR 4064, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Physics and Applications of Laser-Plasma-Accelerators (Poster, Geventis) | F. Grüner |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, SR 3114, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Physics of the Standard Model (Poster, Geventis) | G. Moortgat-Pick |
Tue, 9:00–10:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Field Theory II (Poster, Geventis) | G. Arutyunov |
Mon, 9:00–10:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Renormalization of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories and Related Phenomenological Aspects (Poster, Geventis) | G. Weiglein |
Fri, 11:15–12:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Stellar and Planetary Atmospheres (Poster, Geventis) | P. Hauschildt |
Tue, 14:00–15:30, TBA Problem Classes: |
Symplectic Geometry (Poster, Geventis) | J. Latschev |
Tue, 8:15–9:45, Hörsaal H2, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology (Poster, Geventis) | G. Servant |
Wed, 11:15–12:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Theory and application of PHOENIX (Poster, Geventis) | P. Hauschildt | TBA |
Workshop Seminar: Black Holes and Quantum Information (Poster, Geventis) |
F. Bishara, |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Winter Term 2022/23
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics I (Poster, Geventis) | W. Hillert |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
Advanced Particle Physics (Poster, Geventis) | P. Schleper, M. Schröder |
Tue, 10:30–12:00, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
Differential Geometry 2 (Poster, Geventis) | V. Cortés |
Mon, 10:15–11:45, SR 435, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
General Theory of Relativity (Poster, Geventis) | G. Servant |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Instrumentation and Analysis Methods (Poster, Geventis) | E. Garutti, A. Lobanov, H. Stadie, G. Steinbrück |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity (Poster, Geventis) | E. Pomoni, C. Lawrie |
Mon, 16:30–18:00, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Magneto hydrodynamic simulations using the FLASH AMR code (Poster, Geventis) | R. Banerjee | TBA |
Partial Differential Equations (Poster, Geventis) | J. Struckmeier C. R. Goetz |
Mon, 16:15–17:45, Hörsaal H4, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Poster, Geventis) | G. Moortgat-Pick G. Weiglein |
Tue, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Field Theory I (Poster, Geventis) | T. Weigand |
Wed, 8:30–10:00, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Mechanics II (Poster, Geventis) | S. Moch |
Tue, 8:30–10:00, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Physics of Light (Poster, Geventis) (taught in German) |
R. Schnabel |
TBA Problem Classes: |
Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves (Poster, Geventis) | M. Alim |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, SR 431, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Theory and application of PHOENIX (Poster, Geventis) | P. Hauschildt | TBA |
Topics in theoretical multi-messenger astrophysics (Poster, Geventis) |
Thu, 14:00–14:45, Sonnenbau, Sternwarte Bergedorf Problem classes: |
Workshop Seminar (Geventis) | F. Bishara, C. Grojean, T. Konstandin, G. Servant, A. Westphal |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Summer Term 2022
Winter Term 2021/22
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics I (Poster, Geventis) | W. Hillert |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, SR 1076, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
Advanced Particle Physics (Poster, Geventis) | E. Gallo, A. Hinzmann |
Tue, 10:30–12:00, SR 3114, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem classes: |
Algebra (Geventis) (B.Sc. course taught in German) |
I. Runkel |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal H6, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Conformal Field Theory (Poster, Geventis) | V. Schomerus | Thu, 10:45–12:15, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Cosmology (Geventis) | M. Brüggen |
Tue, 10:00–11:30, Sonnenbau, Sternwarte |
Experimental Astroparticle Physics (Poster, Geventis) | C. Hagner, D. Horns |
Thu, 9:00–10:30, SR 1083, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
General Theory of Relativity (Poster, Geventis) | T. Konstandin |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Instrumentation and Analysis Methods (Poster, Geventis) | E. Garutti, G. Kasieczka |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, SR 4064, Notkestraße 9, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Introduction to General Relativity and Astrophysical Applications (Poster, Geventis) | R. Banerjee |
Mon, 13:30–15:00, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity (Poster, Geventis) | E. Pomoni |
Wed, 12:30–13:15, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Lie Algebras (Poster, Geventis) | P. Wedrich |
Mon, 12:15–13:45, Hörsaal H6, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Magneto hydrodynamic simulations using the FLASH AMR code (Geventis) | R. Banerjee | TBA |
Number Theory (Geventis) | U. Kühn |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, Online Problem Classes: |
Partial Differential Equations (Geventis) | C. Nobili |
Thu, 14:15–15:45, Hörsaal H5, Geomatikum |
Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Poster, Geventis) | G. Servant |
Tue, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Field Theory I (Poster, Geventis) | T. Weigand |
Wed, 8:30–10:00, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Mechanics II (Geventis) | P. Schmelcher |
Tue, 8:30–10:00, Hörsaal, Building 61, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Physics of Light (Poster, Geventis) (taught in German) |
R. Schnabel |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, Moodle Problem Classes: |
Theory and application of PHOENIX (Geventis) | P. Hauschildt | TBA |
Topology (Poster, Geventis) (B.Sc. course taught in German) |
J. Holstein |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, Hörsaal H5, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Workshop Seminar: Magnetic monopoles | F. Bishara, Q. Bonnefoy, C. Grojean, T. Konstandin, G. Servant, A. Westphal |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Summer Term 2021
Due to the current COVID–19 crisis, the majority of courses will be offered in an online format.
Also exams will be likely have to offered in an online or remote format, see here for possible formats at Universität Hamburg. Regulations for digital oral exams in the physics department can be found in this PDF (only available in German).
Winter Term 2020/21
Due to the current COVID–19 crisis, the majority of courses will be offered in an online format.
Also exams will be likely have to offered in an online or remote format, see here for possible formats at Universität Hamburg. Regulations for digital oral exams in the physics department can be found in this PDF (only available in German).
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics I | W. Hillert |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, BigBlueButton Problem classes: |
Advanced Particle Physics | E. Gallo, A. Hinzmann |
Tue, 10:30–12:00, Online Problem classes: |
Algebra (B.Sc. course taught in German) |
B. Richter |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Moodle Problem Classes: |
Complex Analysis | J. Teschner |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Moodle Problem Classes: |
Enumerative Geometry | H. Ruddat |
Tue, 16:15–17:45, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Excursion Accelerator Physics I | W. Hillert | TBA |
Experimental Astroparticle Physics | C. Hagner, D. Horns |
Thu, 9:00–10:30, BigBlueButton Problem Classes: |
Galaxy Evolution | J. Liske |
Thu, 13:00–14:30, Online Problem Classes: |
General Theory of Relativity | T. Konstandin |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Instrumentation and Analysis Methods | E. Garutti, G. Kasieczka |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, Moodle Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Higher Category Theory | T. Dyckerhoff |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, Moodle Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity | E. Pomoni |
Mon, 11:30–13:00, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Magneto hydrodynamic simulations using the FLASH AMR code | R. Banerjee |
Wed, 11:00–12:30, Online |
Number Theory | U. Kühn |
Thu, 10:15–11:45, Online Problem Classes: |
Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model | K. Schmidt-Hoberg, G. Weiglein |
Mon, 10:00–11:30, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Quantum Field Theory I | V. Schomerus |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Quantum Mechanics II | J. Reuter |
Mon, 16:00–17:30, Zoom Problem Classes: |
Rational Homotopy Theory | J. Holstein |
Mon, 10:15–11:45, Moodle Problem Classes: |
Riemannian Geometry | S. Azzali |
Mon, 16:15–17:45, Moodle Problem Classes: |
The Energetic Universe – Introduction to Radio Astronomy | F. de Gasperin |
Thu, 11:00–12:30, Online |
The Geometry of Abelian Gauge Theory and Supergravity | V. Cortés, C. Shahbazi |
Mon, 10:15–11:45, Online Problem Classes: |
Topologie (B.Sc. course taught in German) |
C. Schweigert |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, Moodle Problem Classes: |
Workshop Seminar: Machine Learning Theory for Physicists | F. Bishara, C. Grojean, T. Konstandin, G. Servant, A. Westphal |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, Online |
Summer Term 2020
Due to the current COVID–19 crisis, most courses will only start in the week of 20 April.
Winter Term 2019/20
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
Accelerator Physics I | B. Schmidt |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, Hörsaal III, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem classes: |
Advanced Particle Physics | E. Gallo, P. Gunnellini |
Tue, 10:30–12:00, SR 2, Jungiusstr. 9 Fri, 14:15–15:45, SR 2, Jungiusstr. 9 |
Chemical Evolution of the Universe | J. Liske |
Mon, 12:15–13:45, Bibliothek INF, Jungiusstr. 11 Problem Classes: |
Conformal Field Theory | V. Schomerus | Thu, 11:15–12:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Elliptic Operators and Topology | S. Azzali |
Tue, 8:15–9:45, Hörsaal H4, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Experimental Astroparticle Physics | C. Hagner, D. Horns |
Thu, 9:00–10:30, SR 6, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
General Theory of Relativity | B. Bahr |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal III, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Topological Field Theory | C. Schweigert |
Mon, 16:15–17:45, Hörsaal H2, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Instrumentation and Analysis Methods | E. Garutti, G. Kasieczka |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, SR 3, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Supersymmetry | P. Liendo, E. Pomoni |
Mon, 11:30–13:00, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Modular Forms | U. Kühn |
Tue, 8:15–9:45, Hörsaal H3, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model | F. Sala, K. Schmidt-Hoberg, G. Weiglein |
Tue, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Quantum Chromodynamics | M. Diehl, J. Reuter |
Thu, 11:15–12:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Quantum Field Theory I | S. Moch |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, Hörsaal III, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Riemann Surfaces and Integrable Systems | J. Teschner | Tue, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal H4, Geomatikum |
Symplectic Geometry | J. Latschev |
Tue, 14:15–15:45, Hörsaal H5, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Topics in Low-Frequency Radio Astronomy | M. Brüggen | usually Wed, 11:00-12:30, Sonnenbau, Sternwarte Bergedorf (by appointment) |
Workshop Seminar: New Approaches to the Hierarchy Problem | F. Bishara, V. Domcke, C. Grojean, T. Konstandin, G. Servant, A. Westphal |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Summer Term 2019
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
W. Hillert, |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, Hörsaal III, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem classes: |
M. Brüggen |
Mon, 14:00–15:30, SR 5, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Experiments on physics beyond the Standard Model | K. Peters, C. Schwanenberger |
Tue, 10:15–11:45, SR 2, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Gravitationswellendetektion | R. Schnabel, J. Steinlechner, S. Steinlechner |
Wed, 10:30–12:00, HS 3, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Introduction to General Relativity and Astrophysical Applications | R. Banerjee |
Mon, 12:30–14:00, SR 3, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Introduction to String Theory | G. Arutyunov | Wed, 13:00–14:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Thu, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Physics of the Standard Model | G. Moortgat-Pick |
Thu, 11:15–12:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Physik und Anwendungen von Laser-Plasma-Beschleunigern | F. Grüner |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, SR 2, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Quantum field theory II | S. Moch |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, HS 3, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Renormalisation of spontaneously broken gauge theories and related phenomenological aspects | G. Weiglein | Mon, 11:15–12:45, SR 2, Building 2a |
Seminar: Extragalaktische Astrophysik | M. Brüggen | nach Vereinbarung |
Teilchenphysik und der Large Hadron Collider: Beschleuniger, Detektoren und Physik | E. Gallo, P. Gunnellini, J. Haller, G. Kasieczka, R. Kogler |
Tue, 14:00–15:30, SR 2, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Theoretical Cosmology | V. Domcke, G. Servant |
Tue, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Winter Term 2018/19
Course | Lecturer | Date and place |
W. Hillert, |
Thu, 13:30–15:00, Hörsaal III, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem classes: |
Experiments on Physics beyond the Standard Model | A. Hinzmann, G. Kasieczka |
Tue, 08:30–10:00, Hörsaal AP, Jungiusstr. 11 Problem Classes: |
General Theory of Relativity | B. Bahr |
Wed, 10:15–11:45, Hörsaal III, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Conformal Field Theory | J. Teschner |
Mon, 14:15–15:45, Hörsaal H5, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Higher Category Theory | T. Dyckerhoff |
Tue, 12:15–13:45, Hörsaal H1, Geomatikum Problem Classes: |
Introduction to Supersymmetry | P. Liendo, E. Pomoni |
Tue 9:30–11:00, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |
Phenomenology of Physics Beyond the Standard Model | K. Schmidt-Hoberg, G. Weiglein |
Mon, 9:15–10:45, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld Problem Classes: |
Physics of Plasma Accelerators | J. Osterhoff |
Wed, 14:00–15:30, SR 3, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Quantum Field Theory I | S. Moch |
Mon, 8:30–10:00, Hörsaal AP, Jungiusstr. 11 Problem Classes: |
Quantum Mechanics II | G. Arutyunov |
Tue, 8:30–10:00, Hörsaal III, Jungiusstr. 9 Problem Classes: |
Workshop Seminar: Hot topics in QFT and String Theory | P. Liendo, G. Papathanasiou, E. Pomoni, T. Konstandin, G. Servant, A. Westphal |
Tue, 11:00–12:30, SR 2, Building 2a, Bahrenfeld |