Scientific Team
On this page you will find the contact details of the scientists and technical staff in Quantum Universe. The management team and the Cluster office are listed in the section “Service”.
Principal Investigators

Photo: Gleb Arutyunov

Photo: DESY

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Vicente Cortés

Photo: Carsten Dammann
Diversity hour: Wed, 9-10 h

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: DESY

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Caren Hagner

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: DESY/Martamayer

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Peter Schleper

Photo: Kai Schmidt-Hoberg

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: DESY

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Géraldine Servant

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: Carsten Dammann

Photo: DESY

Photo: Carsten Dammann
Key Researchers

Photo: Wolfgang Hillert

Photo: Andreas Hinzmann

Photo: HSU/Ulrike Schröder

Photo: DESY

Photo: Sven-Olaf Moch

Photo: DESY

Photo: DESY

Photo: DESY

Photo: Birgit Richter

Photo: Jörn Schaffran

Photo: Felix Sefkow


Photo: Privat

Photo: Quantum Universe

Photo: Privat

Photo: Privat

Photo: Privat

Doctoral Students

Photo: Martin Berger

Photo: Privat

Photo: Andrii Dashko

Photo: Privat

Photo: Leon Goertz

Photo: Privat

Photo: Privat

Photo: Monika Wüst
Scientific and Technical Staff

Photo: Privat

Formerly associated persons
Former principal investigators
- Prof. Dr. Ingrid-Maria Gregor
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Kniehl
- Dr. Carsten Niebuhr, retired
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebert, now professor at the University of Texas at Austin
Former key researchers
- Dr. Ralph Aßmann, now head of accelerator operations & development at GSI/FAIR
- Dr. Benjamin Bahr, now at TNG Technology Consulting
- Dr. Valerie Domcke, now junior staff at CERN
- Dr. Torben Ferber, now professor of experimental particle physics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Prof. Dr. Brian Foster, retired
- Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt
- Dr. Matthias Kasemann, retired
- Dr. Belina von Krosigk, now professor of experimental physics at the University of Heidelberg
- Prof. Dr. Jens Osterhoff, now deputy director at the BELLA Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Dr. Daniel Pitzl, now staff scientist at DESY, Belle II group
- Dr. Georgios Papathanasiou, now Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at City, University of London
- Dr. Filippo Sala, now researcher at LPTHE
- Dr. Jessica Steinlechner, now assistant professor at Maastricht University
- Dr. Sebastian Steinlechner, now assistant professor at Maastricht University
- Dr. Ralf Wischnewski, retired
- Dr. Ulf Zastrau
Former QURS members
- Dr. Rafael Alvarez García
- Dr. Artem Basalaev
- Hanno Bertle
- Dr. Joe Bentley
- Dr. Lisa Benato, now Academy Scientist, Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
- Dr. Thomas Biekötter, now postdoc at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Dr. Kathrin Böckmann, now patent attorney at Eisenführ Speiser
- Dr. Quentin Bonnefoy, now postdoc at UC Berkeley
- Dr. Diego Calderón Espinoza
- Dr. Andrea Cardini, now postdoc at Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
- Dr. Aleksandr Chatrchyan, now postdoc at Nordita, Stockholm
- Dr. Merlin Christ, now postdoc at Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
- Dr. Gilson Correia Silva
- Dr. Sascha Daniel Diefenbacher, now postdoc at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Ksenia de Leo
- Sukeerthi Dharani, now PhD at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Dr. Gabriele Di Gennaro, now postdoc at Instituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna, Italy
- Dr. Duong Ðinh, now postdoc at MPI for Mathematics, Bonn
- Dr. Bohan Dudar, now postdoc at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
- Dr. Juhi Dutta, now postdoc at the University of Oklahoma
- Dr. Ulrich Einhaus
- Dr. Rémi Eté, now at 2S Computing
- Dr. Matthieu Faitg, now postdoc at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier
- Dr. Cesar Alberto Fierro Cota
- Dr. Moritz Fischer, now postdoc at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
- Dr. Oleg Filatov, now AI researcher at Helmholtz AI
- Dr. Alexander Franke
- Dr. Martin Gablemann, now Academic Councilor at Alber-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg
- Dr. Philipp Gadow, now postdoc at CERN
- Dr. Antonios Gardikiotis, now postdoc at INFN Padova
- Dr. Emanuele Gendy, now postdoc at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)
- Dr. Pascal Gewecke
- Dr. Oindrila Ghosh, now postdoc at Stockholm University
- Dr. Vincent Goumarre, now postdoc at Aarhus University
- Dr. Matthew Habermann
- Dr. Malte Hagemann
- Dr. Justin Hohmann
- Dr. Henrik Jabusch
- Dr. David Jaklitsch, now postdoc at the University of Oslo
- Dr. Jonathan Kley, now postdoc at University of Geneva
- Dr. Gleb Kotousov, now postdoc at the University of Hanover
- Dr. Alaa Kuotb Awad
- Dr. Alessandro Lenoci, now postdoc at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Dr. Cheng Li, now postdoc at Sun Yat-sen University
- Dr. Matthew Lim, now postdoc at the University of Sussex
- Dr. Jacob Michael Leedom
- Dr. Jeremy A. Mann, now postdoc at King's College, London
- Hossein Masalehdan
- Dr. Francesco Muia, now researcher at the University of Cambridge
- Dr. Allesandro Mininno
- Dr. Gulden Othman
- Dr. Davide Pagani, now researcher at INFN Bologna
- Dr. Danyer Pérez Adán, now postdoc at RWTH Aachen
- Dr. Jan Petermann, now software consultant at TNG Technology Consulting
- Dr. Suvrat Rao
- Dr. Nicole Righi, now postdoc at King's College, London
- Dr. Massimiliano M Riva
- Jack Rolph
- Dr. Iordanis Romaidis, now postdoc at the University of Edinburgh
- Dr. Swathi Sasikumar, now postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Physics
- Dr. Antonio Sbaffoni
- Dr. Carlos Shahbazi, now researcher at UNED, Madrid
- Dr. Maria Elidaiana da Silva Pereira
- Dr. Peera Simakachorn, now postdoc at IFIC, University of Valencia
- Dr. Anton Sokolov, now postdoc at Liverpool University
- Dr. Philip Sørensen, now postdoc at the University of Padova and INFN
- Dr. Birgit Stapf
- Dr. Ryan Stark
- Dr. Isak Stomberg
- Dr. Carlo Tasillo
- Dr. Alexandra Tews
- Dr. Ting Hong Tham
- Dr. Iván Tulli, now postdoc at the University of Sheffield
- Dr. Jorinde van de Vis, now postdoc at Utrecht University
- Carmen Villalba
- Dr. Xiao Xue
- Dr. Qixin Yu
- Dr. Benno Zeitler, now staff at DESY
- Dr. Xinyu Zhang, now tenure-track research professor at Zhejiang University
- Dr. Zhongyue Zhang
- Awais Bin Zahid, now doctoral researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Joshua Clercx
- Oke Huhs, now at the University of Bremen
- Timothée Moreau
- Javiera Taquias Gomez
- Alexander Zaytsev, now doctoral researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Former staff
- Dr. Caroline Heneka, now junior group leader at the University of Heidelberg
- Stephanie Baer, now at the Department of Physics, Universität Hamburg
- Jutta Dähling
- Petra Hinzer, retired
- Julia Panzer, now at Wissenschaft im Dialog
- Sinje Schuck, now at the Department of Philosophy, Universität Hamburg