Prof. Dr. Timo Weigand
Photo: Carsten Dammann
Principal Investigator, Deputy Spokesperson
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
II. Institute for Theoretical Physics
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg
Building 2a
Room: 612
Tel: +49 40 8998-2237
Email: timo.weigand"AT"
ORCID: 0000-0003-1222-4119
Academic career
- Since 2020: Professor (W3) for Mathematical Physics, Universität Hamburg
- 2019–2020: Professor (W2) for Mathematical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- 2017–2019: Long Duration Staff Member, CERN Theory Group
- 2009–2018: Research Group Leader (Apl. Professor, Tenured), Heidelberg University
- 2008–2009: Research Associate, SLAC, Stanford
- 2006–2008: Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania
- 2006: Doctorate in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.) at LMU Munich, Germany, supervisors: Ralph Blumenhagen and Dieter Lüst
- 2002–2003: Part III of Mathematical Tripos, Cambridge University, UK
- 1999–2002: Degree in Physics, LMU Munich, Germany
Institutional responsibilities
- Since 2022: Deputy Spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe”, Universität Hamburg, Germany
- Since 2020: Chairperson or member of several appointment and tenure-track committees
- Since 2019: Member of the Advisory Board to the “String Phenomenology Conference”
- Since 2018: Member of the Advisory Board of the “CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Superstring Theory and Related Topics”
- 2017–2020: Member of the Advisory Board to “SEENET-MTP”
- Since 2014: Member of the Advisory Board to the international conference series “Strings and Geometry” (formerly: “Geometry and Physics of F-theory”)
- 2013–2018: Contact Professor for the German National Academic Foundation
- 2012–2013: Member of the Advisory Board of the Directorate of ITP Heidelberg