Quantum Universe Research School
One of the primary goals of the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe is to attract the best young talents to Hamburg and to provide excellent education and career opportunities. Therefore, we engage into running a world-class environment for early career researchers.
The Quantum Universe Research School (QURS) forms the structured career support program for doctoral students, postdocs and young group leaders within the key research area CHAMPP (Center in Hamburg for Astro-, Mathematical and Particle Physics). It is a cooperation of Universität Hamburg (MIN Faculty, Departments of Mathematics and Physics) and DESY (in particular the high-energy physics division).
Main aspects of QURS are recruitment, a coherent supervision and mentoring scheme as well as academic training and soft skill courses. Individual budgets and awards for early career researchers, and participation in the governance of the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe additionally contribute to the career development. QURS follows the Principles of Effective Career Support in Academia of the German Research Foundation (DFG).