Membership in QURS
All early career researchers in the research areas of the Center in Hamburg for Astro-, Mathematical and Particle Physics (CHAMPP) at Universität Hamburg and DESY are kindly invited to join the Quantum Universe Research School.
New PhD students at Universität Hamburg need to register as doctoral students at the MIN Faculty and need to be admitted by their corresponding department. Information on this step can be found at the MIN PhD Gateway, see also the FAQs for applicants (PDF).
In the docata registration process, you need to select the structured doctoral program 'Quantum Universe Research School (QURS)' and have the document signed by the QURS coordinator qurs.champp"AT"
In addition, you need to enroll as a PhD student at Universität Hamburg via the Campus Center. The most important steps for the admission for doctoral studies in physics or mathematics have been collected in this document (PDF).
For your membership in QURS you also need to fill the supervision agreement (PDF) together with your advisory panel. Please also read the description of the PhD Supervision Scheme.
If you are already doing your PhD studies at Universität Hamburg and want to change from individual doctoral studies to the structured doctoral program QURS, you need to apply via this form (PDF).
Please send a copy of your docata registration form (or the change form) and the QURS supervision agreement also to the QURS coordinators: qurs.champp"AT"
In addition, please subscribe to to facilitate target group specific communication within QURS and CHAMPP.
Towards the end of your PhD studies, please consult the FAQs for the doctoral examination (PDF) for details on the procedure. By default, the awarded academic degree is "Dr. rer. nat." However, graduates of structured doctoral programs like QURS (fulfilling the required credits for a ToR) can alternatively be awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) upon request by the doctoral candidate. The application can be submitted at the earliest within the application to open the doctorate proceedings, but at the latest until the oral defense.
For your membership in QURS you need to fill the QURS mentoring agreement (PDF) together with your mentoring team. Please also read the description of the Postdoc Mentoring Scheme.
In addition, please subscribe to to facilitate target group specific communication within QURS and CHAMPP.
Young group leaders in QURS, i.e. junior professors, tenure track professors, third-party funded junior research group leaders etc., are organized in the Young Investigator Network (YIN). You are invited to join this network by visiting
You may find an overview of young investigator group leaders associated to the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe here: